
TRANSPLANT STATUS updated on 01/24/13

Hey everyone! =) So i just found out yesterday I have been accepted to Dukes Transplant Team and have the go-ahead to move forward! We did two days of simple testing and met the entire team. They had a meeting Tuesday the 22nd and made their decision to let me continue on with them. I am very excited, they are a great team of people and #1 in the country for double lung transplantation's. Monday i will begin pulmonary rehab (23 sessions must be completed) lots of appointments, more and more testing and so on, so right when i complete everything they require then i get listed and wait approximatly 12 days for my new lungs =) Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts an prayers, it sure did pay off !! Now all thats left to do is continue raising money so i can finish getting through the process financially, so pass the word and dont forget to visit my website to donate via pay pal

You can also send cash or money to my parents address who will deposit it into the fund, their names are Tim and Kelly Ward or you can also make it out to me, Erica Ward. The address is: 39 Private Rd #2 Vershire VT 05079

The third option is to send the money to Mascoma S0avings Bank Chelsea VT 05038 and make the check out to 'Kelly Ward for the trust of Erica Ward' or if you would like to call them and do it by phone the banks # is 802-685-4833

Again a HUGE thank you to all of my followers, couldn't of done it with out y'all !!!! :-)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back from a super BUSY month! =( (=

I am back again ! Sorry again to everyone who is trying to keep up with me but i had a CRAZY month! Christopher and i finally got to Raleigh, North Carolina Friday January 11th! We got all moved in to our new place; which i must brag it is GORGEOUS and i am so happy to be down south! My parents came down the evening of the 12th and brought all of my furniture. Everything has pretty much been set up, we have a few small things here and their for decorating and one more shelf to set up! Besides that, it has been almost 2 weeks here and i couldn't be any happier. So now i guess i have to tell you the news !!! But, first i want to keep going from when we arrived. 

After we arrived we got settled in as i said before, and my parents stayed with us for just about a whole week. Monday was my first appointment. My mom, dad, and boyfriend went with me to the doctors. It was our first day at Duke so we got a little lost but we ended up finding it just in time. They had a group briefing talking to everyone about the risks, the good things, financial things, everything about having to relocate (which i had already done) things about appointments, testing etc etc ! We then went and met with the blood draw office. Lets just say i'm NOT good with my blood OR needles! So twenty something tubes of blood later i was passed out in the big blue 'pass out' chair haha. I was very groggy for most of day after that, although directly after i was weak, passing out, low blood pressure and low sugar so it took us a bit of time to get out of there, but after enough lollipops, tootsie rolls, orange juice, and peanut butter with crackers i was well enough to be in my wheel chair without falling out Haha! all the blood work came back good and i was most surprised by the level of my Blood Count. Usually it is between 18-25+, but it was 13! which is good it means less infection in your lungs for the most part. I went from this appointment to chest x-ray and got those taken on my crappy lungs, cant wait to see a picture of the NEW ones! After that we went to meet with pulmonologist. We waited in the waiting room forever, my appointment was at 3:00pm and we didn't get seen until 730pm... so that sure called for a longggggg day and i felt the weakness and tired as hell the next day but we got home got a little sleep and prepared for the 2nd day.

Lets just say, I was exhausted, but we headed off early morning for the second day of appointments and meetings. I started off at the fitness center and we once again got lost and rescheduled that making it a total of 3 days in a row. Next (on day 2) we headed over to the other part of the hospital and met with psychology, she was so nice and great to talk to, i hope that will help some with my anxiety so i can get off the meds for it ! Next we were off to meet with financial supervisor, she was great too, what a hoot! they truely have a great team of doctors etc. So i still need to work on raising money to complete transplant but everyday we are a little bit closer! Anyways, I then had to get my blood oxygen level tested (ABG), which i must say is the MOST PAINFUL blood draw in the world! They put a needle into your wrist, but it must reach and artery instead of just a vein. My pain tolerance is amazing,  i cried like a baby. So that's how i know it really freakin HURTS haha but i got over it the next day it was a lot better. The last event of the second day was pulmonary function testing (PFTS) a few months ago mine were stable at 35%. They have now dropped down to 26%. This just goes to show my decline is getting more rapid as i get sicker. Anyway, i had to go in a box and doing several other breathing tests, which seriously KILLED my chest with the ongoing pain for that even though its being well treated. That is another thing, they are weening me off of my narcotics and benzos before i get transplanted and try to help me with other medications that are safer and smarter for someone with lung disease. The second day was really hard for me since Monday had been such a long day and the blood work had totally wiped me out! So i came home around 630 and slept all night basically, i had to be at the fitness center for my work out and assessment early Wednesday morning.

Next was day 3 my appointment was at 10am instead of seven so that was a start to getting caught back up on some sleep. We returned to the fitness center and met the man and woman i will be working with. We had a meeting first, just telling us all about the program, requirements, sessions, etc. After lots of chit chatting i finally got go for my 6 minute walk around the track. The 6 minute walk test measures how far you can go in 6 minutes. For transplant you have to be able to make it at least 1000 ft in 6 mins, well that's what they try to build you up by doing the rehab sessions, but luckily for me, in my six minutes, i walk around the track 1600ft. So i think this will  a little easier then i thought. =) But i am ready to work my butt off to get there.!

Alright so after all the appointments were finished they said they would meet the next Tuesday the 22nd and get back to me by Friday the 25th to let me know if i was accepted to their program. Well i found out Wednesday the good news. I GOT ACCEPTED TO MOVE FORWARD TESTING AND GET NEW LUNGS!!! =) The best part about this place is i will do some appointments and testing along with pulmonary rehab, but right after that they list me and it only takes me 12 day average before my lung come :) so yeah me and Christopher popped a bottle of champagne and had some friends over to celebrate! and dinner was wonderful ;) 

Anyways, i am headed for a bit to do grocery shopping and just to get out of the house <3

Thank you all for the support and love and checking out my page! i will post pics when everything is decorated and completely finished at our new home, we love it, but miss the families, friends, and dogs <3

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